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Pastor Ray Fritz

building for the future

Connections Church launched on February 27, 2011, with a vision to "Build Relationships as We Build God’s Kingdom." This vision continues to drive us to do all we can to reach our community for Christ and with over 200,000 people in the northwest suburbs of the Twin Cities, the task is enormous. However, we serve a great God who is able to do more than we can ask or imagine, and in our 10 years since launching Connections, we have witnessed a large percentage of growth. 
With the uncertainty of 2020, we were forced to meet in 5 different locations and because of this, we are beginning to experience the pains of meeting in a temporary facility. God has identified our forever home, and now we are raising funds to begin the building process.
The name of our capital campaign is "Building for the Future" The meaning of this phrase communicates Connection Church’s focus on the future. A building of our own will allow us to impact lives today and for generations to come. We pray that you would seriously consider and pray about financially supporting Connection Church's Building for the Future campaign. Every dollar you give represents a life that will be transformed for all eternity.

our financial goal

We have received $387,069 in pledges from 62 families and an additional $128,146 for a $515,215 total of the $541,972 pledges.

(updated 11-11-2023)

make a pledge

frequently asked questions

What is Building for the Future?

Building for the Future is the name of the capital campaign Connections church launched in March 2021 and concluding in March 2024. We believe our church is being led to build a permanent church home where we can have a forever presence in the community and reach even more people for Christ.

How soon will we build?

The current plans for this future on-ramp and off-ramp will have minimal effect on our land and building plans.

Will we consider building before 100% of finances are secured?

25-30% of total cost is typically required for lending agencies to lend finances. Therefore, we are seeking to secure these funds through Building for the Future with the plan to break ground as soon as possible.

Is there a plan for future growth once we are in the new facility?

Within the current plans is a second stage to expand the building as we grow.

What is the size of the building we are planning to build on our 7.1 acres?

Phase 1 is 13,947 square feet.

Why are we raising money to build rather than continuing to lease space?

The age old question, “Should we rent or buy” is very relevant. The cost over the last year to rent space has increased significantly. This, along with the potential to reach more people with the Gospel in a permanent facility, are the driving forces behind our decision to build.

How much are we currently paying for rent each year?
What is the estimated cost for the building?

The total cost is estimated to be between $2.8 to $3.2 million.

How will we pay for this building?

We will pay for the building with a combination of financial gifts from attenders and supporters as well as financing from a lending agency.

How much money are we expecting to raise?

The goal is to raise $786,500 over a 3 year period March 2021 - March 2024.

Does the timing of a financial donation matter?

Yes. The more financial resources we have during the early part of the campaign, the sooner we can break ground.

Will we consider debt?

Yes. We are committed to taking on as little debt as possible to reach our goal of building a permanent home for Connections Church.

Will I be pressured to make a pledge?

Absolutely not. We ask that each person or family take time to pray about their financial involvement in the campaign and then, out of obedience and love for God, follow through on what he is asking of you. It is our hope and prayer that there will be 100% participation in the campaign.

How can I prepare for this campaign?

Whether you are starting at the very beginning in March 2021 or any time after this, prayer is the best way to prepare. Prepare your heart. Listen for God. We have also created a 21 day prayer devotional that you may find helpful. These are available at church and on the website. Plus, a Journey Guide has been created that will help you walk through more of the why and how of the campaign and will provide ways to take inventory of your financial resources as you pray and ask God how he would have you contribute.

How long will my commitment be?

This is a 3 year capital campaign from March 2021-March 2024. Most people will make a campaign pledge that will be spread out across all 3 years, but there will be those who prefer to make their gift in one lump sum during this period of time.

If I can’t give a large amount, does my pledge really matter?

Absolutely! No pledge amount is too small and all pledges are helpful. We believe God honors all of our gifts.

Should I continue to give what I normally do but move some money into the campaign fund?

No. Your giving to Building for the Future is above and beyond your regular tithe.

What forms of contributions will be accepted?

Contributions can be made by cash, check or credit card. Other forms of contributions can include the transference of title to marketable stocks, bonds, real estate and other assets of your estate. If you have more questions regarding how to make these types of donations, please contact the church office.

When are we expected to start giving the amount we pledged?

Pledge cards will be turned in starting on Commitment Sunday, March 14, 2021. Your first contribution toward fulfilling your pledge should start shortly thereafter.

May I update my pledge commitment after Commitment Sunday on March 14, 2021?

Yes, you may update your pledge amount at any time during the 3 year campaign.

Do you have to be a member of Connections Church in order to participate in the campaign? 

No. Participating in the campaign is a personal decision for each of us and anyone may contribute to God’s work in our church.

What if I’m newer to Connections Church and I missed all of the pre-campaign activities and making a pledge on March 14, 2021?

Welcome! We hope you will pray about your involvement and feel welcome to be part of this amazing time at Connections Church. You can reach out to your LIFE group, other attenders, church staff to learn more and ask questions and grab the campaign resources that are available. It’s never too late to be part of the work that God is doing!

join god's work